Charity Overview
Domestic violence is one of the greatest threats to family and community stability. Families who experience domestic violence have a myriad of issues. For over 35 years, Jenesse has specialised in providing critical direct services and empowerment programmes for victims, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds in California. The charity also lobby for societal and community change.
Each year, Jenesse supports more than 2,500 beneficaries through its residential, drop-in, legal and mental health programmes. Jenesse helps approximately 10,000 families in the community per year through its prevention and outreach programmes. The majority of Jenesse’s beneficiaries (55%) are children victimised by domestic violence, who are the most vulnerable, voiceless and are disproportionately represented in foster care, group homes and juvenile justice systems.
Jenesse Center, Inc. staff provide a continuum of services 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. The organisation operates one emergency shelter (25 beds), two transitional-housing facilities (95 beds), one education centre; and offers individual case management and mental health services. The charity also offers an expansive Legal Department with services provided in-house, at a local Superior Courthouse and through a community-based (Pro-bono) Legal Clinic.
Project Summary
In addition to its extensive intervention services, Jenesse has a wide-range of preventative programmes that teaches youth healthy relationship building skills. “Jeneration J” is a local and nationally recognised youth leadership project run by the charity. The programme encourages participants, aged 9 - 21, to inspire their peers to take a stand against all forms of abuse and violence with an emphasis on conflict resolution strategies and peer-to-peer advocacy and mentorship. In 2013, Jenesse was the only organisation funded by the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, to carry out prevention work in schools with a focus on healthy relationships and domestic violence. Since “Jeneration J” began Jenesse has educated more than 20,000 young people on respect and healthy relationships through conversation, mentorship and social and traditional medias.
My life forever changed when I set foot at Jenesse. My family and I thank you. Lots of Love.A.R. Former Jenesse beneficiary
Specifically, funding from ICAP Charity Day 2015 in New York has enabled Jenesse to expand its supportive housing services, and maintain three shelter facilities that typically house 200 residents per year. The funding also helped with the expansion of Jenesse’s support programmes and services for residents and drop-in clients. These programmes are designed to ensure that beneficiaries of the charity overcome their immediate crisis and are able to develop skills that allow them to become self-sufficient and resilient. This includes vocational education, counselling, healing through the arts, parenting classes, life skills classes and financial literacy and empowerment workshops. These programmes aim to rebuild lives that have been shattered by domestic violence. ICAP’s investment has allowed Jenesse to find new and innovative ways to help families heal, grow and thrive.
My experience at Jenesse was incredibly eye-opening, and my relationship with the kids really taught me more about myself than anything. I know the kids were under some tough circumstances, so it felt good to act as a big brother and mentor to them, through those fun field trips and activities.Rafael Bernard Ferguson, 17, Jenesse Teen Angel
Many times Jenesse is the last hope for moms and their children and we get to watch them blossom - rewriting their own success stories.Karen Earl, Chief Executive Officer, Jenesse