Charity Overview
Lollipop Theater Network (LOLLIPOP) is dedicated to providing incredible experiences to hospitalised children through the magic of Hollywood movies, music and art. Founded in 2001, LOLLIPOP’s goal is to create a fun escape for paediatric patients, and to offer them and their families a moment of normalcy in an otherwise stressful environment. The charity believes hope and laughter are essential for children to find the strength to cope with hospitalisation and fight illness.

Project Summary
Thousands of children in the United States are fighting chronic or life-threatening illnesses. They spend their days confined to hospitals. With support from ICAP Charity Day 2015, LOLLIPOP has been able to provide these paediatric patients and their families with a little respite and escape. The charity facilitates multiple in-hospital group and bedside film screenings allowing patients and their families to stay connected to the outside world and to enjoy a sense of normalcy, that is not always accessible to them. LOLLIPOP only screens the latest films, showing in cinemas.
We are grateful to ICAP for including us in their Charity Day 2015. The generous donation provided the necessary funding for LOLLIPOP’s 2016 in-hospital programming, which brings inspiration, laughter and a momentary escape to paediatric patients nationwide through the magic of movies. Thank you for choosing to use the resources of the corporate world to help us spread some light into the lives of seriously ill children and their families.Evelyn Iocolano, Co-Founder/Executive Director, Lollipop Theater Network
LOLLIPOP’s movie screening days are designed to be just like going to see a movie at the cinema, complete with admission tickets. When hospital protocol allows, LOLLIPOP gives the children the star treatment by rolling out a red carpet for them to walk down, distributing movie promotional items and arranging guest appearances from stars of the films. By simply having their own movie-going experience paediatric patients (along with their parents and siblings) are able to momentarily escape from the clinical hospital environment and grueling treatments they have to undergo, into a fun and positive family atmosphere during a turbulent time in their lives.
Thank you so much!! It was an absolute dream come true for Geneva. From a mother's perspective whose child is suffering from cancer, I am speechless as to just how much this impacted my Geneva & our family. It left an ever lasting impression on us. It was AWESOME!!! We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. Thank you...a million times!!Veronica Gomez, Mother of patient Geneva
Rhythm of Hope is LOLLIPOP’s interactive music programme. The session takes place in a group setting where patients are invited to become a part of the charity’s “band.” LOLLIPOP’s guest vocalist and facilitator teach the building blocks of music and the children are inspired to create their own song, including writing lyrics. The song is then performed by LOLLIPOP’s guest vocalist and the “band” and recorded as a keepsake of the event.
Additionally, LOLLIPOP partners with Nickelodeon Animation Studio, DreamWorks Animation and Blue Sky Studios to bring artists from popular animated TV shows and movies to visit patients in the hospital. During these visits, LOLLIPOP screens a show, episode or movie, followed by a Q&A session where the artists answer questions regarding how the series/film was created. LOLLIPOP also arranges for actors, musicians, athletes and other well-known personalities to visit these patients either during a film screening or to participate in special arts and crafts activities, all in an effort to make the patients feel like they are the real stars of the day.
Funding from ICAP Charity Day 2015 in New York has enabled LOLLIPOP to provide these programmes in hospitals nationwide, serving over 2,300 paediatric patients and their family members this year.