Charity Overview
For the first time ever in 2013 ICAP delivered an international initiative where each ICAP office around the world was able to contribute a percentage of money raised on Charity Day to a single beneficiary. In the past twelve months a donation from ICAP has enabled WaterAid to bring clean, safe water and sanitation facilities to over 25,000 people in two of Madagascar’s most remote regions; Vakinankaratra and Analamanga.
Watch the video below to see Samantha Barks visiting a community in Antohobe to find out how funding has already transformed thousands of lives.

Project Summary
Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world – ranked 151 out of 187 on the UN Development Programmes ‘Human Development Index’ Report. In 2012, the population of Madagascar was estimated at just over 22 million, 90% percent of whom live on less than two dollars per day. Madagascar‘s population is growing faster than its economy.

Over half of Madagascar’s people (11.1 million) do not have access to safe water. More than three quarters - 17.5 million – do not have access to adequate sanitation. A lack of safe drinking water and sanitation causes problems that touch almost every aspect of an individual’s life. Diarrhoea caused by dirty water and poor sanitation is the second biggest child killer in Madagascar - killing more than 13,000 children every year.
By supporting WaterAid’s country-wide programmes ICAP has enabled development to continue, building a blue-print for projects to be rolled out across all rural areas in Madagascar, and an infrastructure which will last forever.
In Vakinankaratra women spend an average of two hours per day collecting water. Analamanga is also a very poor area with a huge shortage of sanitation services. Both regions have an extreme lack of sanitation and severe diarrhoea is very common. The impact that ICAP’s donation has had on these regions is enormous. Unlike other projects in this area WaterAid’s programme not only focuses on rehabilitation of water points and latrines, but is also setting a precedent by delivering these services in the Vakinankaratra and Analamanga areas for the first time. ICAP’s contribution has funded the construction of water gravity flow schemes, 116 tap stands and hand washing facilities at 15 schools.
We are incredibly grateful to ICAP for choosing WaterAid as the global beneficiary for Charity Day 2013, the funding raised is supporting over 25,000 of the poorest people in Madagascar to gain access to clean water and dramatically changing futures.Bronwen Reinhardt, Senior Corporate Partnership Manager, WaterAid.
WaterAid’s vision is of a world where everyone everywhere has access to safe water and sanitation. The charity works closely with Madagascar’s government and is currently present in five regions that have an average of 53% of people who have no access to water and 47% who have no access to sanitation. The Vakinankaratra and Analamanga projects supported by ICAP represent how WaterAid are raising awareness of the importance of hygiene and sanitation in remote regions of Madagascar.
All images are courtesy of WaterAid.