Charity Overview
There are 35,000 vulnerable elderly living alone in Singapore, many of which reside in appalling conditions. Due to ill health, these citizens are often unable to take care of themselves. With ICAP’s funding, the charity can expand its Project Homeworks scheme which mobilises teams of volunteers on a weekly basis to help support the very high number of vulnerable citizens living in Singapore.

Project Summary
As part of the Habitat for Humanity’s initiative Project HomeWorks, Anthony Warner led 40 staff in cleaning one-room flats in November at 37 Circuit Road for the elderly and physically challenged in a step towards improving their living conditions.
ICAP Charity Day has made a greater impact than we could ever have imagined. Every year, together with more than 60 ICAP offices around the globe, we dedicate a day’s revenue and commissions to local charities. As part of this year’s initiative, we want to make a difference to the living conditions of the elderly, the sick and the physically-challenged living in one-room flats. We are pleased to help this Habitat for Humanity project.Anthony Warner, CEO, ICAP Singapore.
Yong Teck Meng, National Director, Habitat for Humanity Singapore said, “ICAP’s efforts will go a long way in serving the elderly and handicapped who require assistance in maintaining the safety and sanitation of their homes. Project HomeWorks was conceived by the need to take care of the 35,000 vulnerable elderly who live alone in one-room flats, and are unable to take care of their homes due to their health conditions. Circuit Road is a mature estate with many elderly who urgently need help.”
The clean-up is in conjunction with the 21st ICAP Charity Day! Habitat for Humanity is one of the five charities ICAP Singapore is supporting in 2013. Other beneficiaries this year include The President’s Challenge, Lymphoma and Leukemia Foundation, WaterAid and Assisi Hospice.