Charity Overview
Strahlemann Seruthur Village project in India was started in August 2010. Thanks to ICAP’s donation, by the end of 2012, there will be homes and infrastructure for 50 needy families, made homeless by the 2004 tsunami, who would otherwise have no chance of rebuilding their homes to withstand future tsunamis. Women in the village will be given the opportunity, with the help of a microcredit scheme, to start their own businesses. A school and health facilities are planned for the children and vocational training for young people.

Project Summary
Strahlemann Peace and Support Centre project was started in 2004, immediately after the tsunami disaster. 60 children are currently supported, including many orphans. Not only schooling and career opportunities are given: To increase their career opportunities in one of the many garment factories they are sent on a tailoring course. The children in 5 surrounding villages will also receive tutoring and help with homework.
Believing education is the essential precondition for a successful life; Strahlemann initiates, promotes and operates educational projects nationally and internationally.
In Germany, Strahlemann has projects (e.g. “Talent Company”) and activities aimed at the transition from school to work. At Talent Company teenagers receive individual mentoring from sponsors in various professions or the educational world. Sponsors aim to motivate these young people, encouraging them and building up their self-confidence.
Internationally Strahlemann focuses its work on access to education, i.e. through building orphanages and schools. The advantage Strahlemann offers, is that it has very close links with the business world.