Charity Overview
ICAP Brazil supports Espaço Criança Esperança (ECE) Child & Youth Care Centres, offering after-school activities in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte

Project Summary
ICAP Brazil supports Espaço Criança Esperança (ECE) Child & Youth Care Centres, offering after-school activities in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte. By respecting and listening to the local communities, these centres contribute to promoting education, culture, inclusion and social development in Brazil through theatre visits and cultural activities, as well as providing media centres, libraries and sports facilities.
We were privileged to witness the inspirational work ECE undertakes and the positive effect these activities have on children and young people, who would otherwise have no access to them. The enthusiasm and determination generated obviously make such a big difference, giving these young people a chance to overcome their circumstances and succeed in life. ICAP is pleased to be able to help ECE maintain these activities.Michael Spencer, ICAP Group CEO.
The Child & Youth Care Centre in Rio de Janeiro was created in 2001, supporting the residents of the slums of Cantagalo and Pavão / Pavãozinho. In addition to sports facilities and classrooms, it offers a "Youth Space" with a computer room, playroom, games room for teenagers and young adults, a swimming pool and a library of over 38,000 book titles, all donated to the institution.
Since its foundation, ECE Cantagalo has received 9000 registrations. In 2011 alone, about 2000 children and young people have been regularly visiting the library, as well as participating in sports activities, cultural education and various courses. A football tournament twice a week has been attracting more than three hundred!
In addition to capacity-building activities which help generate employment and income, ECE also promotes empowerment of socially vulnerable communities, by developing activities designed to prevent urban violence such as football and other popular sports, theatre and dance. Tutoring and workshops give them the necessary skills to help with the job application process and prepare them for work. As a result, many of them now have effective jobs.
In June 2011, ICAP Group CEO Michael Spencer visited the Centre, with Alan Gandelman, CEO Brazil, Doug Rhoten, CEO Americas and Mike Sheard, Global Head of Corporate Affairs and the children put on a special show. They also watched a football match and a session at the swimming pool.