
Charity Overview

MediCinema is a unique and pioneering medical arts charity dedicated to transforming the experience of patients, carers and families at hospitals throughout the UK through cinema and film. The charity builds state-of-the-art cinemas in hospitals and health facilities across the UK; enabling patients to escape the often isolating and depressing reality of being confined to a hospital ward. MediCinema creates authentic cinema experiences to enrich the quality of life for patients, their families and carers. The facilities provided by Medicinema have been proven to reduce feelings of pain, isolation and aid recovery and wellbeing for patients.

This time lapse film showcases the incredible amount of work that went into building the ICAP Medicinema at Guys Hospital using funds raised from ICAP London’s office. 

Project Summary

The charity’s seven MedCinemas are located in health facilities around the UK, all of which have purpose built screens that show up to date film releases, donated by the film industry. The cinemas accommodate patients that are bed ridden, in wheelchairs or on medical drips or monitors. Admission is free of charge for all inpatients and outpatients on a regular programme of treatment. Medical supervision is provided by MediCinema with two nurses on duty throughout each showing, with screenings taking place (on average) three times a week.  Medicinema has an incredible team of volunteers at each site who collect and accompany patients to and from their wards, ensuring their safety.  

The ICAP MediCinema at Guy's Hospital, London launched in December 2013 following support from ICAP Charity Day in 2008. Since its opening the cinema has served over 10,000 patients and provided more than 10,000 screenings. Having the service within Guys Hospital has been monumental in helping patients overcome feelings of isolation and boredom. A recent cinematherapy study conducted at Guys and St. Thomas’ Hospital showed that 66% of patients felt less institutionalised during a MediCinema screening and four times less tense. 44% of respondents said they felt pain or discomfort whilst on the ward, however, this was reduced significantly to 15% of patients attending MediCinema screenings.

Familiarity and normality as a young person in hospital, no matter how long for, can make a huge difference. So when I got told about and got the chance to go in to the MediCinema it was awesome, you really feel like you are at the cinema. In fact I would say its better, with colourful seats and 3D showings, for that couple of hours I didn't even feel like I was in hospital!
Jack, patient at the ICAP MediCinema Guys Hospital.

ICAP also supported Chelsea and Westminster (CW+) MediCinema. This cinema was launched in 2015 and is fully equipped with state-of-the-art digital projection, screen, Dolby surround sound, RealD 3D technology, tiered seating and specialist cinema lighting. This high-spec detail has helped to create an authentic cinema experience. Since its launch the cinema has hosted approximately 2,000 patients and provided 76 screenings. Medicinema aim to increase this by the end of 2016 and reach over 4,000 patients.

We are incredibly grateful to ICAP for supporting our project at Guys & St. Thomas Hospital. As some of our patients have mentioned having the opportunity to experience the magic of film and cinema whilst at hospital plays an important role in improving overall health and wellbeing. Thankyou ICAP for your ongoing support and allowing many to experience a slice of normality, to escape, or simply spend time with loved ones whilst at hospital.
Kat Mason, CEO, MediCinema.

CW+MediCinema is amazing. Leo has had complications following lengthy surgery. The cinema has given him a break from the ward, it has made him feel normal, made him remember he is a normal happy boy who is just going through a crisis in hospital. It's allowed him to remember he can have fun, that he does have a life outside of hospital and that he is a normal lad. Thank you! Lucy Steel, on behalf of her son Leo Steel, aged 11.

Since opening the very first MediCinema at St. Thomas’ Hospital in 1996 the charity has been able to reach approximately 50,000 patients across all seven of its sites. Providing its service to thousands of patients throughout the UK would not be possible without the generosity of supporters like ICAP. 

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