Charity Overview
NHS Charities Together is the national charity partner of the NHS caring for patients and staff. The charity is made up of every NHS charity across the UK, based within hospitals, mental health, ambulance and community health services.

Project Summary
A donation from ICAP Charity Day enabled NHS Charities Together to support Imperial Health Charity in London to set up a number of improved staff areas, affectionately known as 'recharge rooms'. Recharge rooms are quiet, comfortable areas for staff to take time out from their busy and often traumatic shifts. Charity funding means that the recharge rooms can be kitted out with comfortable seating and soft furnishings, all aimed at making the rooms a none-clinical environment for NHS staff.
The remarkable fundraising efforts of people across the UK ensured many more of our staff have been able to reach out and access support when they have needed it most. The pandemic has been very difficult for NHS staff, and everyone has been affected.Dr Sarah Finlay, A & E Lead at St Mary’s Hospital
The funding also enabled the hospital to further support the mental health and wellbeing of its staff by expanding its staff counselling service. Between April and December 2020, the service was able to refer 637 staff members for one-to-one counselling and support, a huge increase of 76% on the previous year. An additional 3,000 staff accessed emotional wellbeing groups during the pandemic. Thanks to the support of fundraisers such as ICAP, Imperial Health Charity was able to make sure that staff members got the support that they needed, during the biggest health crisis that the NHS has ever faced.