Charity Overview
Fundación las Rosas is a charitable foundation dedicated to assisting the abandoned and destitute elderly population of Chile, South America. The charity offer its beneficiaries protection, a home, food and clothing, medical, dental and psychiatric support, physio therapy and occupational workshops. There are currently more than 2,200 elderly that reside in Fundación las Rosas’s 30 homes, situated across seven regions of Chile.

Project Summary
A donation from ICAP Charity Day Santiago in 2015 has enabled Fundación las Rosas to continue its mission of taking care of elderly in need across Chile, who lack a family network. ICAP’s support has gone towards a project called “Direct Attention to Institutionalised Elderly”.
I would like to thank ICAP for helpings us to live in Las Rosas Foundation. Here we are happy; we receive food and health attention. People treat us with care and love. This is my home and I love it.Esmeralda Teherán, resident at Fundación las Rosas home
Fundación las Rosas provide professional assistance to the long-term residents, and the Chilean Health Ministry regulates the charity’s operation. It specifies the number and skills of people who assist the elderly; professionals specialising in elderly care (doctors, therapists, nutritionists, nurses) that provide the direct assistance needed every day. Nearly 1,500 people work for Fundación las Rosas - all of whom are trained on site. Funding this training is an ongoing challenge that the Foundation has to face.
Currently, there are 1,200 elderly waiting for a place to live in Fundación las Rosas and the Foundation’s resources are at maximum capacity. The cost of looking after the elderly has also increased; about 96% of the residents have a physical dependence and 70% have been diagnosed with a cognitive impairment.
Support from ICAP funded a specialist staff salary to assist elderly. ICAP’s donation offers hope to residents, offering them sustenance, care, company and love, until the end of their lives.