Charity Overview
ICAP is again supporting Kieler Tafel, a not-for-profit organisation that collects about one tonne of unwanted groceries from local shops every day. These are made available to those in need - currently about 2100 households - through seven distribution centres.
Project Summary
Kieler Tafel has no religious or political affiliations and the 190 voluntary helpers work without payment. It does, however, incur costs for rent and electricity for the distribution centres and refrigeration units, the upkeep of four vehicles and other necessary expenses. Receiving no public funding, the charity relies on donations, so support from ICAP is much appreciated.
In March 2009 the charity was able to move out of its tiny depot into a more suitable facility. ICAP’s donation helped pay for a cold storage room and the next year, a much-needed industrial dishwasher. ICAP’s Charity Day funding also went towards the purchase of a new Volkswagen van in 2011. Adding the human touch, ICAP Vice President Andreas Weiland helped out in person in a Kieler Tafel distribution centre.