Charity Overview
In September 2014 a group of ICAP employees took part in Planting the Seeds of Success a volunteer Day at The Children’s Trust in Surrey. The Children’s Trust (TCT) provide expert rehabilitation, education, therapy and care for children with acquired brain injuries at its national specialist centre supporting children and their families from across the UK.
Watch the film below to see what ICAP staff got up to on the day:

Project Summary
Funding donated from ICAP Charity Day 2012 went towards a new multisensory garden for the young patients at The Children’s Trust who have acquired severe brain injuries. In 2013 ICAP volunteers spent the day laying the foundations for this new outdoor learning experience by planting seeds, bulbs and grass along with building some raised planters for the children to have a hands on experience at gardening. The ICAP Sensory garden provides all of the children staying at the Trust at some point during their stay with respite from their clinical surroundings, as well as creating a stimulating environment for rehabilitation and learning.

One year on and a group of ICAP volunteers revisited the ICAP Sensory Garden to see the progress it has made and prepare for the season ahead. Working with TCT’s team of two gardeners ICAP staff wasted no time in donning their gardening gloves, trowels and shovels to start work on the garden. Tasks included; weeding, mowing, planting, building additional raised planters, watering and trimming.
I really think it is great to have the opportunity to not just raise money but actually take time out of our working days to invest our personal time in helping. Knowing where the money goes and seeing how we can help with just a few hours is really lovely.Alexandra Böcking, triResolve Sales, TriOptima.
The majority of the children at the Trust are extremely fragile. They have limited mobility and communication skills, impaired hearing and vision as well as severe and profound learning difficulties. The ICAP Sensory Garden provides on average 30 children and their families a week with a space to play, dig, learn and a space for outdoor therapy sessions. Thanks to the volunteers who spent another exhaustive yet rewarding day tidying up the garden. The ICAP Sensory Garden continues to play an essential role at the Trust. Read more about the ICAP Sensory Garden here
Another really good day at TCT. It was amazing to see how far the ICAP Sensory Garden had come along since our previous work in 2013 – and not only that, it is great to hear from those that work with the Children about what a difference our help has made to them on a daily basis.Kate Arnold, Emerging Market Sales, EBS.
The ICAP Sensory Garden provides a really accessible way for the children to experience nature and the pleasures of gardening. Between sessions the garden is a valuable space where the children can take some leisure time to let off steam and interact with the different sensory experiences the garden provides. During breaks in the day and particularly at weekends the garden provides a lovely setting for families to enjoy some quality time together.Hazel Thomson, Leisure & Activities Co-ordinator, The Children’s Trust.