Charity Overview
With the help of ICAP New York’s 2010 Charity Day donation, Mirebalais National Teaching Hospital will open its doors in January 2012, at which point it will offer a level of care never before available at a public hospital in Haiti.

Project Summary
Before January 12, 2010, Partners In Health (PIH) had plans to build a new community hospital in Mirebalais, a town 30 miles north of Port-au-Prince. Then the earthquake struck, leaving most of the health facilities in and around Port-au-Prince in ruins, including Haiti’s only public teaching hospital and nursing school. Responding to an urgent appeal from the Haitian Ministry of Health, PIH scaled up plans to build a state-of-the-art referral hospital.
The generous support provided to Partners in Health as a result of the ICAP Charity Day has been critical in enabling us to be relentlessly committed to improving the health of the poor and marginalised around the world.Brandie Conforti, Partners In Health.
Through innovations in hospital design, the facility will be able to provide many services that are not available at any other public site in the country, such as: neonatal and surgical intensive care units; an operating theatre complex capable of doing thoracic surgery, a dedicated emergency room and diagnostic suites with digital radiology and CT scanning capabilities.
In addition to its primary mission of health service to patients, the Mirebalais Hospital will provide high-quality education for the next generation of Haitian nurses, medical students and resident physicians and train staff to work in public health facilities throughout Haiti.