Charity Overview
Funds contributed by ICAP Charity Day in Hong Kong have supported several projects within the Angels and Orphans network of charities. Angels for Orphans provides funding to improve children’s lives worldwide. They believe that every child has a right to happiness, education, care, shelter, food, medicine, clothing and hope.

Project Summary
Thanks to the generous donations from ICAP Hong Kong, Angels for Orphans have been able to provide wonderful support to their charity partners.

Bali Kids – Indonesia
The ICAP donation funded a brand new, hygienic and properly equipped kitchen for the Bali Kids Medical Centre which is open to all children in Bali’s orphanages who need medical attention. Bali Kids take thousands of orphaned children into their care who are sick and otherwise face neglect This particular orphanage is the only place in Bali which accepts children with HIV.
As many of the children in the care of Bali Kids are diagnosed with serious illnesses such as HIV, Hepatitis B, and Cancer, the level of hygiene in the food preparation area must be of the highest standard. Hence the ICAP Kitchen is fitted out with stainless steel work surfaces, refrigerators and special flooring.
“Many of the children at the Centre are at risk in their own village environment due to poor sanitation, hygiene and diet. Being in a position to prepare the children's food into an immaculate, stainless steel kitchen is a giant step forward for our project and ensures the children will not be placed to any further risk in the area of food preparation. Thank you ICAP for being a part of our project and helping our kids stay healthy and happy!”
Brenton Whittaker, Project Coordinator, Carry For Kids lnc./Bali Kids
Po Leung Kuk Orphanage - HONG KONG
With funding from ICAP, Angels for Orphans have launched the 'All Rounded Children's Programme' with Po Leung Kuk Orphanage, which benefits over 400 children in their care. This allows every child an opportunity to pursue an interest, such as music or sport, or to take tutorials to support academic achievement. The age of the children participating in this programme range from 5 through to 18.
“We are immensely grateful to ICAP for making the "Children All Rounded Development Programme" possible, bringing to our children in care much happiness and fun, not to mention the message of love and warmth that has been conveyed. It is indeed most gratifying to witness the children growing and develop the sense of achievement and self-confidence through participating in the Programme. Thank you so much!”
Mr. James Chan, CEO of Po Leung Kuk
Sunrise Children’s Villages – CAMBODIA
ICAP funding provided The Sunrise Children's Villages in Cambodia with a stable, and essential annual electricity supply for over 150 children and staff in their orphanages. The ICAP donation also supported the university fees for 10 of their students in Phnom Penh.
The Sunrise Children’s Villages are comprised of two orphanages where they care for hundreds of orphaned, abandoned and disadvantaged children. They offer shelter, education, medical and dental care, clothing, vocational training and most importantly love and acceptance in a home style environment.
"Sunrise Children and Staff wish to express their gratitude and thanks for the generosity of ICAP for the funding of our electricity for a year and the costs for sending 10 Sunrise children to University. The electricity in particular is vital to the running of the centre for our computer school and keeping everyone safe and comfortable during the nights which are very hot. ICAP's kindness is improving the lives of hundreds of children at Sunrise and we will never forget you."
Geraldine Cox AM, Country Director and President, Australia Cambodia Foundation, lnc
& Sunrise Children's Villages in Cambodia
New Hope for Cambodian Children – CAMBODIA
The New Hope Village cares for 228 orphaned children between the age of 2 and 18 who have no other housing alternative; most of these children were orphaned when their parents died of AIDS. The Village is comprised of 24 houses staffed by a care giving couple, classrooms, and a medical centre.
The ICAP donation funded a brand new and much used meeting hall for the orphanage. This meeting hall has been used for training of staff and children as well as a recreational area.
"The staff and children of New Hope for Cambodian Children are very grateful for the meeting hall donated by ICAP. This building has become a true multipurpose building; we have used this large meeting place for Village meetings and training sessions for all children and staff. We have used it for dance and music classes and for Disco dances for the children on Saturday night. We have also used it for our version of 'Cambodia has Talent’, a chance for our special children to show their singing and acting talents. This building is truly a special place for the children. Thank you."
John Tucker, Founder and Advisor to NHCC